Michael and Lindsey | Olympia Port Elopement

Elopements in the pacific northwest are absolutely stunning, and you can really get some incredible views and “venues” here. This October elopement at the Olympia port was as good of location you can get while being right by downtown and close to civilization. The lighting on this day was perfect and I was able to shoot from any angle. The weather forecast indicated a strong possibility of rain but thankfully, the day was clear and we had nothing to interrupt this intimate ceremony between Michael and Lindsey.

Olympia Port Elopement

I arrived 10 minutes before the scheduled ceremony start time of 4pm and get acquainted with Michael and Lindsey’s family. As I observe the outdoor space at the Olympia port, I get excited. The ceremony is taking place at a pier with beautiful boats in the background to one side, and mountainous terrain on the other. There are no people walking around this area disrupting this elopement. Michael is waiting at the “altar”, officiant is ready, and family are here, ready for Lindsey to be accompanied by her father. As she starts walking from a nearby parking lot, I get started my first photos and it’s just beautiful.

As the ceremony begins, all I could feel is the intimacy; one best man, one maid of honor, and very close family members. They say their vows and I work my way around capturing different angles and expressions of each individual. Their daughter, Emma, accompanies them and is held in the maid of honor’s arm. After the ceremony ends, marriage certificates get signed with witnesses present, and we move on to family formals.

I normally don’t get too excited about family formals because they aren’t particularly creative and it’s usually hard to get every round up unless you have someone who knows the family and can bring people together. However, the background was so beautiful, and all family members were so respectful and cooperative that I really enjoyed this time. Each family group was so efficient, we were able to get so many family photos in.

After family photos, guests start walking towards a nearby restaurant and getting setup while I spend some time with Michael, Lindsey, and Emma, capturing more intimate portraits. We had so much fun with this and I was able to get a bit creative and treat this more of a young family session rather than a couples session. Emma’s so young but never cried; she did so well!

After we finish, we make our way over to the a nearby restaurant and I grab some candids/lifestyle type photos of them walking over. We have a private room where all the guests enjoy some appetizers, wine, and pizza. I take several more group reception photos and day is done!

There’s such a negative social stigma behind “elopements”, and we as a society should challenge that stigma. Yes, some couples do elopement for a variety of non-ideal reasons: disapproving parents, making this decision on a whim, etc. That was just not the case for Michael and Lindsey. They invited close family and friends, were able to get married sooner and start their lives sooner by eliminating the wedding planning process, and saved a lot of money in the process. I’m always going to advocate for large wedding days over elopements because I love everything that goes behind a wedding, but I can’t deny that there’s a time and place for elopements and formal weddings aren’t for everyone.

Congratulations once again to Michael and Lindsey! Wishing you and your family the best.


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