Micah and Sharon | Marbella Country Club Wedding

There’s just something about weddings that just excite me. As a photographer or as a guest, I will just go and have fun. I was especially excited to go to this one; this is my first wedding as a guest that I hopped on a plane for and for knowing the bride since college, whereas most of my previous weddings I attended as a guest were for friends post-college.

Sharon and I have known each other since our freshmen year in college; we were in the same church fellowship for all 4 years. So hard to believe it’s been 14 years. Although our fields of study were completely different, we shared similar interests in food, faith, and pride in our ethnicity. We’ve kept in contact over years post-college whether it was me visiting Los Angeles, or her visiting San Diego or the SF Bay. Great times.

I review the wedding invitation and see “black tie preferred”. I have to be honest, I didn’t really know what ‘black tie’ means so I look it up and what my mind instantly thought of was: That is very Sharon. Always stylish, Well, I didn’t have anything that really fits into black tie so I took the liberty of the ‘preferred’ part and just went with what I knew fit closest and looked good. I pack it all in my bags and head for the airport!

I arrive in John Wayne Airport (SNA) on a Friday morning and work from home the rest of the day. I take the opportunity to go out and enjoy some authentic Taiwanese food, because I’m not getting that in Seattle. There’s something about traveling and food that gives nostalgic vibes and reminds me of home. It’s my place of comfort; something that reminds me of my cultural roots and brings me peace. I had Taiwanese food the night before, and for lunch the day of the wedding, and I had it again the morning after right before my flight. Yep. No shame.

After the incredibly satisfying lunch, I head back to get ready, and head off to the venue, which was at Marbella Country Club. Now that I’m thinking about it, more than half the weddings I’ve attended were at country clubs, but none of the weddings I’ve shot at were at country clubs. Maybe someone reading this can change that for me. I expected no less caliber of venue. The back courtyard was beautiful, the views were amazing; it was all fantastic. I arrived half an hour early this time (but only because I have a perpetual habit of being late to weddings when I’m a guest and I have to stop doing that) and observe the family and relatives who have arrived. All the aunties and uncles in joyful conversation is just another element that reminds me of home; true authentic human connection lies with a strong foundation of community and in this modern age of technology, it’s something that I admit I have lost touch with. I start seeing my friends arrive: Hasan, Zoya, and Colleen and it was a great time catching up before the ceremony. We went outside for some casual photos and admiring the scenery. Hasan and I have known each other since college and Sharon and I went to his wedding last year in 2022 in San Jose. Well, I guess now I have to invite Sharon and Hasan to mine when that happens right?

We all head to the unplugged ceremony and only after I sat down did I notice I was in the same row as Winnie. We also knew each other in college and probably have seen each other once or twice since. We spend some time catching up and the ceremony begins. One by one we have the groom Micah, followed by his groomsmen, then the bridesmaids, the flowergirl, and finally Sharon. The expression on Micah’s face from the moment his groomsmen walk in, to Sharon, says it all. You can tell this is the best moment of his life thus far, without a doubt. The choir sings, the “I do”s, the vows exchange, the first kiss. It all went by so fast and every moment was so meaningful to witness. I couldn’t help but partially observe the photographers during this time and I could just tell they really enjoy capturing this moment. I overhear them coordinate which lenses each one of them will shoot with to make sure they get this moment right.

As the ceremony concludes and the wedding party exits, the guests dismiss and go into cocktail hour. We had mini beef wellingtons and bruchetta. So tasty! the guests mingle some more and we are directed to the reception, which took place in a side courtyard that I never even knew existed. As I walked to my table, I get excited. The table decor is phenomenal. Lit candles in a rectangular glass enclosure with sage green leaves scattered. Our names are custom handwritten on a leaf, along with an indicator of our meal preference (cow for beef). I really had to shut off my photographer brain because I really wanted to photograph all the reception decor but I didn’t. I did get some on my phone though! I also love that we had specific seats assigned at our table. It’s more planning for the newlyweds, but they’re so thoughtfully arranged.

We mingle at the table and establish how we know the bride or groom and soon discovered it is the “Sharon Table”. The people at the other side of the table are Sharon’s old colleagues. I’m familiar with the work experiences Sharon has had so it was really meaningful to make a connection with that to some people she interacted with. Even though we just met, we start sharing more of our lives and what’s meaningful to us. I love the connections I make when I’m no longer in my early to mid twenties because the conversations are so much more meaningful.

The food was fastastic. Salad was fresh, the entree was a huge piece of perfectly booked medium rare steak with mashed potatoes and roasted veggies. I had a white peach jasmine tea ice cream, a very unique flavor. and I tried one of the spicy noodles, which was definitely too spicy for my taste, but the night got a bit chilly so I just finished it. The speeches were so entertaining to hear, the slideshow was fun, the shoe game. Mid-way through, our table got up and took photos with Sharon and Micah. Overall, just a fun reception night. At the end, the college crew went to go hunt down Sharon for individual photos and though we had to wait, we got them!

We ended the night with a sparkler grand exit! This was actually my first time participating in sparklers. It was really fun and I know Sharon and Micah got some really photos out of them. Some folks continued dancing the night away but I’m too old for that! I say my good byes and head home. It was a long day and I have a long trip ahead of me back home the next day, but it was all worth it. This experience just made me even more excited for the wedding I have the following weekend, but instead of a guest, I’ll be a photographer!


Craig and Ashley | Maroni Meadows Wedding


What does photographic style mean?